The large temperature difference will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

Keep warm to avoid excessive temperature differences. (Photo via Unsplash)

The temperature difference is related to the risk of cardiovascular disease. People need to pay attention to temperature differences and keep warm to reduce the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Taichung, Taiwan (Business Northeast) – Large temperature differences are more dangerous than low temperatures! Autumn and winter are the seasons that are prone to cause cardiovascular diseases, especially when the temperature difference is large, which may cause diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction. The blood vessels will dilate and repeatedly contract due to the temperature difference. It may be dangerous when the contraction is abnormal or affects the surrounding resistance. Therefore, whether it is the elderly, children, or healthy adults, pay special attention to keeping warm.

Take Taiwan as an example. From November to February and March of the following year, there are peak periods of myocardial infarction and stroke in Taiwan. This period is usually the coldest time in Taiwan, but apart from low temperatures, the main cause of the cardiovascular disease is the large temperature difference between day and night during this period, sometimes even more than 10 degrees Celsius.

Quite a few studies have shown that when the temperature difference is above 8.5 degrees Celsius, the risk of myocardial infarction will increase. On the other hand, South Korea also found in 2017, according to statistics on insurance benefits, that for every 1 degree Celsius increase in temperature difference, the risk of stroke will increase by more than 2.4%; if the temperature difference is greater than 5 degrees, the risk of stroke will increase by 1.1 times.

Both stroke and myocardial infarction can be fatal, people should pay attention to keeping warm to reduce the risk.

Who needs to pay attention to keep warm?

Everyone needs to pay attention to keep warm, especially those suffering from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood fat, diabetes, and other diseases. On the other hand, the elderly, smokers, obese people, and family history are also on the risk list.

What time do they need to pay attention?

Please keep warm before “leave the bathroom” and “leave the bed”! When bathing and sleeping, people are at a relatively warm temperature, so please wear clothes and take measures to keep warm before leaving to avoid excessive temperature differences.

The key position to keep warm

Head, neck, abdomen, hands, and soles of feet. Wearing a hat, scarf, gloves, and socks is the basic way to keep warm. If it is not warm enough, you can also put a hand warmer on the abdomen or hand to keep warm, but please pay attention to the time of use to avoid burns.

In addition, it is not easy for people to detect stroke symptoms. How to catch a stroke? Please remember the word “F.A.S.T”! F (face) refers to when the face is found to be asymmetry; A (arm) refers to the situation where the hands are weak and unable to be lifted; S (speech) refers to the unclear speech and the ability to express Decline; T (time) means that when the above situation occurs, the time should be recorded and the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.

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