Take immediate emergency measures in case of heatstroke

“Heatstroke” is a common disease in summer. When your body temperature rises to 104 F (40 C) or higher, take emergency measures and treatment as soon as possible.

Cambridge, MA (Business Northeast) – If you stay in a high-temperature environment (either indoors or outdoors) and you find that your body temperature is constantly rising, you are thirsty, headache, flushed skin, nausea, want to vomit, etc. You may have a heat stroke! At this time, find a way to cool down, maintain air circulation and treat as soon as possible.

Symptoms of heatstroke

Symptoms of heatstroke include: body temperature rising to 104 F (40 C) or higher, Thirst, Headache, Confusion, Slurred speech, Easy to get anger, Seizures, Coma, Flushed skin, Nausea and Vomiting, Rapid breathing, Racing heart rate, Convulsion, etc.

Measures for heatstroke

When a heatstroke is suspected, it is necessary to seek medical resources as soon as possible and transfer the person with heatstroke to shade and reduce his clothes—cooldown by sprinkling water, fan, and ice towel. The ice towel placed on the neck, underarms, and groin has a better cooling effect.

Indoor heatstroke risk

When the outdoor temperature is too high, you must pay attention to sun protection when you go out or avoid going outdoors. Staying in a high-temperature indoor environment may cause heatstroke symptoms, and air circulation must be maintained indoors to increase the heat dissipation rate.

In hot weather, some people will drive out. Adults may get out of the car to buy things and leave their children in the car. This is a very dangerous situation. When the vehicle is stopped, it is like an oven. The air without convection will cause the temperature in the car to continue to rise, and the risk of heatstroke will increase.

Who is prone to heatstroke? Babies, young children, and adults over 65 years old. The central nervous system of infants and young children is not fully developed, and the central nervous system of adults over 65 years old has begun to degenerate, so it is more difficult for them to regulate body temperature and maintain water.

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